Today Apple sent out a press release announcing that it sold over 300,000 iPads in the US the first day in its Apple Stores. Also, over a million apps were downloaded from the App Store that day. Which is not surprising since a lot of developers worked hard to make sure their app was ready for launch day. Even the iBookstore had some big numbers to share with over 250,000 ebooks being downloaded the first day.
If the release of the iPad didn’t drum up enough excitement the second piece of big news out of Apple today will. Members of the media have received invites to an April 8th press conference starting at 10am Pacific about the future of the iPhone OS.
With the press conference only a few days away it doesn’t give me much time to get my wish list of features together. My fingers are crossed for multitasking.
p/s : mungkinkah iPhone 4G akn dikeluarkn oleh Apple tidak lama lgi...???